Hii guys

Second blog post , today im going to show you my favourite fashion persone her name is Zorannah
On blog : http://www.zorannah.com/
On instagram : https://www.instagram.com/zorannah/
On youtube : https://www.youtube.com/user/Zorannah

Im soo in love with her style,her personality you should definitly check her social medias
This is one of my favourite 2016 outfits of  Zorannah
She wrote two books p.s only on serbian language  : first is more like life&style guide : http://www.vulkani.rs/58b960d5-bba6-43f9-abea-059d393fa2b6/LIFE-STYLE.aspx#.WGlVotLhDcs , second is novel : http://www.vulkani.rs/94077d6c-98b6-45a8-9e72-207f955a123b/VANILLA-SKY.aspx#.WGlWItLhDcs


Check my instagram : https://www.instagram.com/fashiioninloverz/ ,

Xoxo ♡


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